Thursday, July 19, 2007

#Throwback Interview: Roccett

HH-HQ.Com: I would like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview.
Roccett: Thanks for having me
HH-HQ.Com: I'm glad you had the time because what we want to do is put you on blast. Let everybody know who exactly Roccett is.
Roccett: Roccett is a young hungry MC from Carson, CA ready to take the entire world by storm. Roccett is about the truth and good music.
HH-HQ.Com: What sets you apart from the other emcees out there?
Roccett: I am real because anything that i rap about is how i live. There are no gimmicks and no lies its 100 percent the truth. Beyond that, i have versitility and make music that all can relate to. I give my all in my music.
>HH-HQ.Com: How would you describe your sound?
Roccett: Many would say i make street music or gangsta music, but i make all types of music. I talk about life and the many different emotions that come with life. However i feel or wherever the beat brings me, thats what you gonna get for that particular song.
HH-HQ.Com: Who are some of your influences?
Roccett: All the legends in the game but Tupac is the on who influenced me the most though.
HH-HQ.Com: Outside of hip hop, what do you like to do in your free time?
Roccett: I enjoy the simple things like playing basketball and spending time with my kids. But really to be honest my life is this music so theres not much time for anything else.
HH-HQ.Com: Is there one place that you have the most inspiration when your not doing something musically?
Roccett: A lot gets accomplished in my car.
HH-HQ.Com: What is the process that you go through when making a song?
Roccett: I don't write down lyrics or write my music at all. My process is that i listen to the beat and start to formulate the song in my head. So, i walk around the studio with the beat playing and put together the song.
HH-HQ.Com: Your signed to Young Jeezy's record label CTE West. Tell me all about that.
Roccett: I signed in a group situation over there at CTE. Being with Jeezy is a good look because he is on top of the game right now and i appreciate that i can learn from him. But, i am still unsigned as a solo artist and i am currently negotiating with some labels for my solo shit.
HH-HQ.Com: What do LA and Atlanta have most in common musically?
Roccett: It's all universal because we are speaking for the underdogs, the streets, and all the real people in the world.
HH-HQ.Com: Shed some light on your situation with Makaveli Branded.
Roccett: Makaveli Branded is the clothing line of Tupac Shakur. I am a Makaveli Branded sponsered artist and its an honor to represent Makaveli. I wear the clothes and represent the movement. I also get involved in any community activities and events that the is involved in so Makaveli Branded is whats up.
HH-HQ.Com: Are you currently working on anything that you can give us the exclusive on?
Roccett: I am working on a DVD and in in the fall ad campaign for Blanco Label. I got a project called Colors that's getting all kinds of press and i'm working on another project called Corporate America. So, i am constantly in the studio working on music.
HH-HQ.Com: In your opinion has Myspace done anything to change the game?
Roccett: Yeah, Myspace has allowed artists an avenue for music to heard outside a limited region and really allows word of mouth to be effective. So, if your an artist and you have good music then more and more people will find this music and you will build a fan base. Myspace is a combination of radio and television for these consumers.
HH-HQ.Com: What is your vision for yourself in the future?
Roccett: The future looks real bright because i look to accomplish great things. I see myself as a successful artist and businessman because i am gonna drop some incredible albums, step into an executive role with my label, and possibly hit the big screen as an actor. I won't be stopped because i am determined to be the greatest.
HH-HQ.Com: What can we be looking foward to in the future from Roccett?
Roccett: Great music, tours, and more great music.
HH-HQ.Com: Any shout outs?
Roccett: Shout out to my manage Rick Edwards aka Big Ricc for holding me down. Shout out to Makaveli Branded, Notorious Big Clothing, and the Blanco Label for keeping me fly. Also, shout out to my entire Green Up movement.
HH-HQ.Com: Last question is there anything that you want to tell your fans?
Roccett: I love all my fans and thanks for supporting and listening to me. Real talk i appreciate all of you.

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